Studio Medico Calì

Cardiological and Multi-specialist Centre

 1. Cardiology

Allow a rapid and precise diagnostic and therapeutic assessment, the start of preventive treatment in the case of early signs of atherosclerosis, and the monitoring of its evolution and the efficacy of treatment.

The results of the examinations are digitally memorised so that they compared over time.

Supa-aortic trunk, trans-cranial, abdominal aorta, arterial and venous, and upper and lower limb ultrasonography.

24-hour and weekly

24-hour mean arterial pressure

Hospitalised patients are provided with full general and specialised care.

 2. Diagnostic ultrasonography/General Surgery

  • Liver
  • Gallbladder / Biliary pathways
  • Pancreas
  • Spleen
  • Intestinal loops
  • Kidneys
  • Adrenal gland
  • Bladder
  • Prostate
  • Trans-rectal prostate
  • Scrotum
  • Pelvis
  • Trans-vaginal pelvis
  • Aorta / Peripheral vessels
  • Angiological examination / Portal hypertension

Upon request, all of the above examinations can be carried at home using the latest-generation portable equipment that ensures optimal quality imaging.

 6. Gastroenterology

Specialist non-surgical outpatient clinical examinations

Possibility of organising operative colonoscopy with polypectomy and mucosectomy under propofol sedation in a day hospital

Hospitalised patients are provided with full general and specialised care.

 9. Angiology

Supa-aortic trunk, abdominal aorta, arterial and venous, and upper and lower limb ultrasonography.

 21. Nephrology

C.F. CLAGNN61R17F205R P.IVA 08908750154