Dr. Gianguido Montagnolo
General surgeon / Echographer
A level I Manager and Head of Ultrasound Diagnostic and Operative Ultrasonography Service of the Urgent Surgery Department of IRCCS Fondazione Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico Mangiagalli e Regina Elena. Dr. Montagnolo has been working in the field of general surgery (particularly laparoscopic abdominal and emergency surgery) since 1987, an experience that has allowed him to optimize the use of diagnostic and interventional ultrasonography.
Contract professor and then tutor at the Post-graduate School of Urgent Surgery of the University of Milan, he is author of more than 150 scientific papers ad textbooks of surgical and ultrasonographic subject.
He has worked as an urgent surgeon and ultrasound diagnostic consultant of the Centre ever since it was founded.
He retired on January 2020 but he has a free collaboration contract with his hospital in order to continue his activity.