Dr. Rosangela Lattanzio
Rosangela Lattanzio, MD, is on staff of the Department of Ophthalmology, S. Raffaele Scientific Institute, University Vita-Salute of Milano-Italy; she is head of the Medical Retina Service-Vasculopathies, researcher for many clinical projects, principal investigator or co-investigator of several clinical trials mainly concerning Retinal Vascular Diseases. She is Editorial Associate of European Journal of Ophthalmology and member of the Club Jules Gonin. She was recipient of an Academy Achievement Scholarship-Italian Ministry of the University and Scientific-Technological Research, of a Research Scholarship of National Council of Research, of the 2004 Research Kreissig Award and of the 2007 SOI Project of Research. She is advisor of the Italian Retina Society, co-author of two books and more than 50 peer-reviewed publications.